Our book "Videoconferencing in University Language Education" indexed in the Web of Science database
CJV publication now indexed in the prestigious Web of Science database
Our language centre once again celebrated the beginning of summer with several courses for university staff and students. This year, we welcomed more than 80 participants in 3 summer schools and students in a special "Taste Europe, Taste Brno" course. Here are a few snapshots of our participants and their reactions.
Our week-long courses Creativity in Teaching, English Skills for Higher Education Staff Members and English Mediated Instruction welcomed more than 80 participants from Germany, Hungary, Estonia, the Kurdistan region of Iraq, the Czech Republic, Romania, and Spain. In their sessions, our guests focused not only on innovative ways of teaching but also could see different methods of leading a class from our own CJV lecturers. We also invited experts from foreign universities to join us - this year the participants met Tony Corballis, EAP teacher and coach in communication and leadership, formerly a Head of TEAP courses at SOAS London, and Daniella Luca from Academic Writing Center, Université Paris-Saclay.
We are sharing a few snapshots below and some of the lovely feedback we received this year.
"I really enjoyed the interaction with the speakers. I was excited before every session."
Summer schools participants, July 2022
"I think I want to become a teacher after this experience because the teachers showed me that teaching can be different."
"The vibe of the class was the best."
"I learned new techniques for presenting and teaching in a creative way."
"One of the strong points was the lecturers' professionality. In addition, I felt very welcome and my opinions were listened to."
"Well-prepared teachers, good practical tasks, interesting new ideas, good group dynamic, nice and friendly atmosphere, well-maintained building and comfortable classroom."
"Keep it up!"
This article will be updated.
CJV publication now indexed in the prestigious Web of Science database
Masaryk University Language Centre traditionally donates finances usually used for printing Christmas cards to People In Need (https://www.clovekvtisni.cz/en/).