Language Centre recommends: Credit courses at MU

Are you studying at Masaryk University and still looking for credit language courses? Let us give you some tips that maybe stayed hidden in IS but are definitely worth of checking out!

14 Feb 2022

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Would you like to check which language courses are mandatory for you or which certificates Masaryk University accept instead of a credit course? Head over to your faculty and look for CJV department where you can find our teachers. More information about contact person here: Fakultní oddělení CJV,

And which courses still have a few spots left and accept foreign language speakers?

Courses for all:

CST: LC_CLA Contemporary Latin American society: Key Challenges

CJVAJ_ESL English Speaking and Listening

VB040 Presentations in English II

VV073 Francais de l'informatique

Faculty of Science:
JAC02 English for chemistry II
JAZ02 English for geography II
JALS04 English for life sciences 4
CJV_R_KULT Intercultural communication (Russia/Czech Republic)

Faculty of Informatics:
VV073 Francais de l'informatique

Faculty of Arts:
CJVAGR Gramatické jevy v odborné a akademické angličtině 
CJVAPD Prezentační dovednosti v angličtině
Would you like to practice and improve various aspects of presenting? In a fun and familiar way, we'll cover from the 30-second "elevator pitch" through humour and cultural diversity to academic presentations.

Faculty of Social studies:
CJVN301 Mediendiskurs in deutschsprachigen Ländern 

English for Environmental Studies and Social Policy
Would you like to meet with other students and a native speaker from Canada to talk about various issues surrounding Environmental and Social Policy? We’ll cover topics like universal basic income, eco-tourism, green cities, biodiversity and the many topics that students will bring to the course through visual presentations.

Do you know that we can give you credits even for our night language classes? Register for one of our paid courses and contact by e-mail our colleague Marta at for information about ECTS credits.

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