Our book "Videoconferencing in University Language Education" indexed in the Web of Science database
CJV publication now indexed in the prestigious Web of Science database
Masaryk University Language Centre (CJV) welcomed a group of six talented scholars from the European University Institute in Florence for an intensive week of teaching, training, and networking in late April 2023. CJV organized its 6th Teaching Practice Week, which spanned from the 24th to the 28th of April, followed by the FIESOLE Symposium on diversity, equality, and inclusiveness, and introduced new topics and discourses to classes of undergraduate and graduate students across four faculties at Masaryk University. Students had the opportunity to discuss peacekeeping, parenthood and gender roles, competition and international law, globalization, and migration of Ukrainian women with postdoctoral fellows from the prestigious Max Weber Programme.
Every year, the Max Weber Programme fellows visit the MU Language Centre (CJV) to teach two seminars in collaboration with local lecturers. Additionally, CJV staff members provide pre-lesson work discussions, consultations, and detailed feedback, among other forms of pedagogical support. Apart from the academic activities, Teaching Practice Week includes cultural events, networking opportunities, and group feedback sessions for all participants. This year, the fellows could also join a panel focused on Ph.D. studies at the FIESOLE Symposium.
The MU Language Centre's long-term partnership with the European University Institute in Florence ensures that Teaching Practice Week will continue to be an integral part of MU's academic calendar. The program switched to online mode in 2020 and 2021 while maintaining the same quality and structure, and continued with a "hybrid" version in 2022 showing that the centre and Max Weber fellows can adapt to various teaching methods.
This year, Masaryk University students joined these classes:
Anastazja Grudnicka | Making Peace, Keeping Peace: Past Perspective in Present Problems |
Eunjeong Paek | Gender, Parenthood and Work: how parenthood affects work outcomes with a focus on gender difference |
Friso Bostoen | Taming Digital Monopolies: The Role of EU Competition Law |
Sonali Chowdhry | Globalization from the perspective of individual firms |
Miha Marčenko | Cities as Transformers of International Law and Governance? |
Iuliia Lashchuk | Ukrainian women's migration after 1991 |
The Max Weber Programme (MWP) at the European University Institute (EUI) is the largest and most innovative postdoctoral programme in the historical and social sciences in Europe and it is open to postdoctoral fellows from anywhere in the world. The Programme is among the most selective – attracting circa 1200 applicants each year – in the fields of political and social sciences, economics, law and history for some 50-55 Fellowships. Fellows are selected on the basis of their research accomplishments and potential, their academic career interests, and the availability of the EUI faculty to provide mentorship. More info about MWP can be found here.
CJV publication now indexed in the prestigious Web of Science database
Masaryk University Language Centre traditionally donates finances usually used for printing Christmas cards to People In Need (https://www.clovekvtisni.cz/en/).