Strengthening Global Partnerships: EPSULA project takes steps forward in El Salvador and Brazil
Barbara Staffolani and Athena Alchazidu visited El Salvador and Brazil to continue work on the EPSULA project.
CJV Week 2021 served as a great opportunity to share experience and new information that can be useful for teachers of languages in higher education. This year, we had many presentations and workshops focused on innovation in class and CEFR language competencies.
Looking back at feedback from CJV Week "light" 2021, we can see that most of our colleagues truly appreciates the presentations and workshops as an inspiration for their own classes and they are very glad to meet fellow lecturers in one place. Very often it leads to new partnerships and projects. Here are some comments:
"Celkový způsob sdílení zkušeností po jednotlivých odděleních byl zajímavý, pestrý a přínosný."
"Uspořádat Týden CJV v září, kdy jsme natěšení na nový semestr a předchozí akademický rok je uzavřený, byl výborný nápad."
"Jako nové zaměstnankyni CJV mi ten týden dal hodně (zkušenosti kolegů, inspirace, organizace hodin a zkoušek atd.)."
"(...) kolegové na CJV jsou opravdoví mistři svého "kumštu". Inspirující a vstřícní."
"I thought the talks I saw were well-prepared and interesting. I particularly enjoyed the talk on peer/self-assessment, and I plan to incorporate some of the ideas in my own teaching."
Barbara Staffolani and Athena Alchazidu visited El Salvador and Brazil to continue work on the EPSULA project.
Wevinar for CercleS Focus Groug Language Testing and Assessment