Project Skills in English
20 September – 20 December 2021
- Online + In person at Komenského nám. 2, room 213
The course is designed for PhD students.
The goal of this MU Language Centre course is to familiarize Ph.D. candidates with essentials of academic writing skills that can be effectively adopted in writing project and grant proposals. It offers a practice-oriented insight into ways to improve both academic language and project-specific skills of the participants.
The participants will be offered basic input, they will be engaged in a series of participative activities, they will gain hands-on experience with some best practices and have an opportunity to reflect on their own approaches and strategies. The course includes information on the essential components of academic writing, appropriate academic style, use of formal vocabulary and passive voice, appropriate linking words and signposting, effective structure of sentences and paragraphs. It focuses on exploring research and grant proposal writing in more detail.
The course consists of a group session for all participants, an individual one to one session with the instructor and personalized feedback on a writing task of your choice. Students will be asked to submit a sample of their writing, which they will receive formative feedback on.
ATHENA ALCHAZIDU is a lecturer at the Language Centre, who teaches communication and presentation skills. Based on her experience as an official translator and interpreter, she offers special courses focused on the development of essential translation and interpreting competencies.
ALEX FLOYD is an English language lecturer, proofreader, and lecturer in academic writing and academic presentation at the Masaryk University Language Centre, Brno, Czech Republic. He has a background in the medical sciences (physiotherapy) and a special interest in teaching EAP and proofreading academic texts in this area.
This course is held as a part of IGA project No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016943.
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