German for Pre-Intermediate I

  • 26 September – 12 December 2024
  • Masaryk University Language Centre, Komenského náměstí 2, 602 00, Brno
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This course is thought for pre-intermediate speakers of German. The classes focus on comprehension and discussions. The course is taught in English by a German native speaker. 

The course follows the textbook: Ja genau! Deutsch als Fremdsprache (B1, Band 1, Lektionen 1 - 7).

By the end of the course, students will be able to generally discuss topics.
The course is taught in English by a German native speaker.

Language of instruction
When 26 September – 12 December 2024
12 weeks, 2 x 45 min. per week 
Thursday 14:00-15:30
Participants foreign students, MU students, public, MU employees

Native speaker – Iris Finger

4200 CZK
Continuation of German for Beginners II held last semester. The course is open to newcomers as well.
It is possible to register for our courses even after they have started, until the capacity is reached.


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