Chinese for Absolute Beginners I

  • 20 September – 6 December 2021
  • Masaryk University Language Centre, Komenského náměstí 2, 602 00, Brno 
No description

The course will be taught in-person if the epidemiologic situation in Czech Republic allows in-person teaching. If the government restrictions change and in-person classes will not be allowed, please be aware that the course automatically switches into online mode without a possibility of reimbursement. 

This is a course for absolute beginners of Chinese. No prior knowledge of the language is required. The course is taught in English. 

Lesson 1-3 in Integrated Chinese (Level 1, Part 1) 

After the course, students will be able to:  

  • Identify and comprehend conversation situations and reproduce conversation schemes in basic conversation situations given by the textbook  
  • Apply the conversation schemes and acquired vocabulary to other interactive conversation situations 
  • Read and write basic conversation texts given in the textbook 
  • Apply acquired grammar, vocabulary and increase necessary reading and writing comprehension 


  • Week 1: Overview of the course; useful classroom phrases 
  • Week 2: Greetings: Chinese phonetics, Grammar of shì. 
  • Week 3: Greetings: Grammar of yě, Chinese phonetics. 
  • Week 4: Greetings: Grammar of ma, Chinese phonetics. 
  • Week 5: Family: Grammar of yǒu, Chinese phonetics. 
  • Week 6: Family: Grammar of shéi, Chinese phonetics. 
  • Week 7: Family: Grammar of liăng, Chinese classifiers, Chinese phonetics. 
  • Week 8: Family: Grammar of shénme, Chinese classifiers, Chinese phonetics. 
  • Week 9: Invitation: Numbers, how to express time and dates in Chinese. 
  • Week 10: Invitation: How to talk about place and activities. 
  • Week 11: Invitation: How to decline an invitation and offer alternatives. 
  • Week 12: Wrap up and final exam: Students who passed will receive a certificate. 
Language of instruction
When 20 September – 6 December 2021
12 weeks, 2 x 45 min. per week
Monday, 16:00-17:30 
Participants foreign students, MU students, public, MU employees
Wei-lun Lu,  
200 CZK early bird, 2 500 CZK standard 
Early bird price available until 20 August 2021.
Standard price available until 15 September 2021.


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