Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Pre-Intermediate 2

  • 25 September – 11 December 2024
  • MU Language Centre, Komenského nám. 2, Brno
No description

The MU Language Centre is opening a Czech language course for foreign MU staff and Ph.D. students. The course is aimed at foreign Masaryk University employees and Ph.D. students at A2/1 level. Please complete the entrance test here. Your teacher will contact you after the deadline for registration and arrange the oral part of the test. The students who attended Pre-intermediate 1 course in the previous semester do not need to take the entrance test. The teacher will contact you by e-mail.

Course prerequisites:

Students should be familiar with the content of the textbook Čeština expres 1 and Čeština expres 2 by Lída Holá and Pavla Bořilová.

Learning outcomes:

Students will get familiar with the following topics: what we look like, clothing, work, services and politeness. As to grammar, these topics will be introduced: nominative and accusative plural of nouns and adjectives, comparison of adjectives, personal pronouns in dative and accusative, aspect and tense in verbs and conditional.

Study materials provided by the attendants:
Čeština expres 3 – Lída Holá, Pavla Bořilová: Units 5–7

MU Language Centre, Komenského nám. 2

Deadline for registration: 6th September 2024

If you have any questions please contact Alena Habrová at

Language of instruction
When 25 September – 11 December 2024
12 weeks (90 min/week)
Wednesday 18:00–19:30
Participants foreign students, MU Staff, MU employees
Kateřina Garajová

Free for MU staff and Ph.D. students

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