Colourful Czech for Foreigners – Beginners I

  • 27 September – 13 December 2023
  • Masaryk University Language Centre, Komenského náměstí 2, 602 00, Brno
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Colourful Czech for Beginners I is a continuation of the one-semester course Colourful Czech for Absolute Beginners I and it is open to anyone who has the basic knowledge of Czech, can form simple sentences in the present tense and whose vocabulary corresponds approximately to Lesson 5 of the textbook New Czech Step by Step. 

The lecturer uses communication methods and focusses on practising speaking abilities of students. The course aims at the extension of vocabulary to level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Those who pass the course will be capable of simple communication in common situations: on the street, with friends, in shops and restaurants, at school, at home or at work. Grammar will focus on verbs in the present, past and future tense. The category of verbal aspect will be introduced toward the end of the course. Its mastering will enable students understanding speech and text and responding adequately. 

The main study materials are photocopies of exercises from various textbooks and the lecturer’s own resources, which will be given out to students. The method Colourful Czech also uses its own working aids, which help students understand the structure of Czech sentences through five colours, which will be used in various exercises focusing on the word order and correct formation of spoken language. 

The course ends with a test and those who successfully pass it will get a certificate of the level achieved. 

Upon the payment, the participants will be registered to the subject “Colourful Czech” in the Information System of MU.

EVALUATION: 2 ECTS + Certificate

The course will be taught in-person if the epidemiologic situation in Czech Republic allows in-person teaching. If the government restrictions change and in-person classes will not be allowed, please be aware that the course automatically switches into online mode withoutpossibility of reimbursement.

Language of instruction
When 27 September – 13 December 2023
12 weeks, 1 x 90 min. per week
Wednesday, 10:00-11:30
Participants foreign students, MU students, public
Mgr. Jan Krejza;
2500 CZK
It is possible to register for our courses even after they have started, until the capacity is reached.
Early bird price available until 27 August 2023.


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