Zájmové skupiny na CJV (SIG)
V rámci CJV realizujeme s kolegy projekty napříč všemi odděleními
The idea is to come away from the workshop with a set of cross-disciplinary guidelines for students on 1. How to constructively give peer-to-peer feedback and 2. How to constructively "self-reflect", with regard to performance in tasks.
The workshop will include:
A) Overview of the task: Written Case note and Live presentation (in groups of four students)
Brief description of the task: Brief written report in the form of a Case note (using template) on a Legal Judgement from an English-language legal system or from an International Court where English is the language of the case, including a comparison with a similar or related case from participants' own jurisdictions, followed up by a Live presentation of the material and short discussion
B) What the students did on the day (and how it went)
C) Reflection: Feedback and Self-Reflection (among colleagues)
D) Action: Drafting a Set of Guidelines (among colleagues)
Lecturer: David Best, Université Libre de Bruxelles
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