Language advising /counselling: From theory to practice

  • 24. listopadu 2022
    14:30 – 16:00
  • room 78, 5th floor, Poříčí 31, building CVIDOS

This sharing session will focus on specific forms of interaction between teachers and students that aim at supporting learner autonomy.

Based on her Ph.D. research, Martina will shortly introduce theoretical background to the topic. Then, the specific advising / counselling practices at FF, FI and PedF will be discussed. The participants are warmly invited to share their own experience and opinions.

Presenting: Martina Šindělářová Skupeňová, Radim Herout, Linda Doleží, Eva Rudolfová

Place: room 78, 5th floor, Poříčí 31, building CVIDOS

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