Zájmové skupiny na CJV (SIG)
V rámci CJV realizujeme s kolegy projekty napříč všemi odděleními
From January 25th till January 27th the Language Centre of Masaryk University hosted online the Training seminar on Language Skills and e-Learning for Tourist Communication, the first of the seminars organized within the CUDIMHA project. During the 14 hours of training, colleagues from partner universities discovered some e-learning applications and solutions used by our lecturers and were guided through their use with practical and interactive activities. One session was also dedicated to the discovery of Czech culture and history. Every day participants could profit from a reflection session, where they were sharing thoughts and ideas on what was learned and practical activities to enrich their knowledge of interactive tools for e-Learning and online teaching.
More information about the project at https://cudimha.eu/index.php/en/
Kniha CJV nově indexována v prestižní databázi Web of Science
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